No. 42 Power Dam circa 1925

Circa 1925. Children and adults had a favorite swimming spot on the Coast Fork of the Willamette on South River Road.

Do you know where this swimming-hole was located?

Postcard Number 41 Local Logging

In the Cottage Grove 1909 book there are reports of local loggers cutting old growth timber up to 13’ in diameter. One account reported a big fir 13’ in diameter 250 feet in height containing 75,000 feet of lumber. The other stat for this tree is that it would supply enough wood for an ordinary family for 15 years.

Timber fallers used two-man crosscut saws to cut through these old growth trees. Do you know what the most sawyers called them?


Fording the Coast Fork River circa 1907

No. 39 – Cottage Grove, Oregon. Circa 1907 – Fording the Coast Fork of the Willamette.

This is an early view of how the river was used in the early days. The only description available for what is going on in this picture is what’s written on the front of the photo. It looks like there are timbers in the river.

Hand colored view from Mt David circa 1906

No. 40 – Cottage Grove, Oregon. Circa 1906 – Hand colored photograph of an early view from Mt. David looking southeast. Nice view of  homes and businesses along North River Road. Several of the homes, bottom left of this photo, are still standing today. The long commercial building housed the Pacific Timber Company.

When you look closely at the streets in this photo you can see sidewalks in the middle of the streets. What do you think they built these sidewalks in the street?

Main Street Looking West circa 1914

No. 38 – Cottage Grove, Oregon. Circa 1914 – Main Street looking west. This photo was taken before Highway 99 was built; the photographer was standing west of the railroad tracks. By 1914 J. H. Bolden was selling general merchandise out of the Spray Building. The next visible business sign is for a restaurant, then The Wallpaper Store and the Cooper Building aka Cottage Grove Hotel Building.

Do you know what type of business was in the Cooper Building before C.A. Bartell’s, Hotel Bartell?