Postcard no34 Fifth and Main Street circa 1914

No. 34 – Cottage Grove, Oregon. Circa 1914 – View from the corner of what is now Main and 5th Streets. The two-story building known as the Hemenway Building was built in 1907. The Powell & Co. sold men’s shoes and clothing, then the Lawson Building, signs for C.E. Frost an Osteopathic, Grable’s Harness Shop, the First National Bank of Oregon. Across 6th Street you can see The Bank Building, recently renovated and the sign for Benson’s Pharmacy. [Photo courtesy of T. and E. Munroe]

This is a great photo with the girls posing for the camera. The Hemenway building looks very different today. In the 1970s there was a devastating fire and the second story was removed during the restoration. What business is in this building now?