There are over 40 grave sites in the cemetery. People buried there include many members of the McFarland family as well as their friends and neighbors. Many of these people were pioneers who came to Cottage Grove by wagon train as did the McFarland's. There are also four Native American people of the Kalapuya tribe buried in the cemetery. These people were friends of the McFarland's as well.
The CG Historical Society acquired the cemetery from Lane County several years ago and is in the process of raising money to have a secure fence built around it's grounds. Unfortunately, there has been ongoing vandalism inside the cemetery that will require extensive restoration efforts.
April 2011 saw the completion of the lighting project. The light pole has been installed across Holly Street and is aimed toward the entrance gate of the cemetery. This project was funded by a combination of Historical Society fundraising efforts and a matching funds grant from the State Historic Preservation League. Through the determination of Lloyd Williams, who worked through a seemingly endless process with EPUD, we now have a light that will increase the level of security. Thank you Lloyd!
Led by Marv Krush, a massive cleanup and restoration effort took place in recent years, with the help of Anne Krush and Kathy Wamsley. Crews worked to clear brush, clean up litter, trim trees, and collect fragments of broken headstones. Thanks to Marv, Anne, and Kathy Wamley we finally see the sun through the debris.
July 2011 we hosted a Heritage Cemetery Workshop at McFarland Cemetery. The workshop taught proper restoration of historic grave markers. Participants helped restore several headstones and provided a boost toward overall restoration efforts. Thank you Anne Krush for bringing this workshop to town!
In the spring of 2017 an informational kiosk was added at the bottom of the hill near the steps. This kiosk shares the history of the Native Americans who used the area prior to eastern settlers, as well as the early history of the McFarland family who settled the area. Beautifully designed by Alice Christianson who completed a significant amount of research and worked with the Grand Ronde and Esther Stutzman to ensure the story of the Native Americans was properly and respectfully presented. Through the leadership of Lloyd Williams, the kiosk was built by the local Lions Club with material donations made by Cascade Lumber and build oversight managed by Gary Lind of Kyle Kischen Construction. Credit also goes to Ric Christian and Geomax for design as well as assistance and support throughout the construction. Funding was provided by the Oregon Historic Cemetery Association. We are grateful to the many people and organizations who provided assistance and time to make this kiosk possible.